Ok, this is going to be a rant, I'm sorry but I have a gripe that needs addressing and what better way to vent than via a forum fully accessible by the public.
In my career I seem to have developed a reputation as a grafter. This has been mentioned to me on a few occasions. it wasn't an intentional trait I aimed for but I'm not going to knock it. Not as glamorous as creative nor as precious as excelling at sales. However what it does mean is that I can be relied on to get a job done and get it done well.
In all sectors I'm sure that there are grafters, we have many other characteristics as well but for the sake of this piece let's just focus on effort and doing a task. I don't know where I got this trait, I didn't excel at school, I did ok, in fact any thought of homework and I would shy away, but when in class I always tried, and I guess that has translated to the workplace.
To put it in footballing terms I'm a hard working midfielder that fans like, will get the job done, try their best, make the odd forgivable mistake, learn from it, and provide some surprising flair here and there.I am David Platt (really showing my age here).
My gripe , is with the number of people who don't try. People who talk the talk and don't deliver. Those in senior positions who are excellent at delegating, but then do nothing themselves. People who procrastinate so much that deadlines fly by and opportunities are lost. Colleagues who shout loudly about how busy they are so dull fiddly tasks are taken off them and redistributed to people who will actually deliver, whilst they just take their foot off the pedal. And worst of all just plain laziness.
I've been depressed in meetings when a task has come up that needs to be done and the colleagues around the table either hang their heads to avoid eye contact, or play hot potato with it on why they cant do it, rather than fighting over wanting to do something to showcase their abilities. Anything for an easy life I guess.
It's not really fair is it, and yet perhaps these people are the ones who have it right. Sods law dictates that they are the ones who get the promotions and the pay rises.
I seem to be using The Simpsons quite a lot in these blogs, they are excellent. But, I don't want to be like Homer, I don't want to whinge and moan and ask "can't someone else do it?". I try to put my hand up where I can, I try to drive my career forward by learning and taking on new tasks. Who knows one day that might be noticed for a positive rather than just piling on more work that the non-grafters (not sure that's a word) want to get out of doing. Gotta have a dream :)
Rant over, apologies, I'll try to cover something more upbeat next time.